Posts Tagged "sex toys"

The Shelf Life of your Night Stand

Ever catch yourself rummaging through one of your drawers in your night stand frantically searching for that ‘something’ in the heat of passion with your lover? I did just that just the other day and instead of that new bottle of massage oil I just bought I came up with broken pen, a Bellagio matchbook, piece of gum stuck to a lube sampler and too countless half working vibrators. Doesn’t exactly enhance the heat of the moment, does it?Well, this morning, I started digging back into the drawer and just couldn’t believe how much I had accumulated over the years. Some...

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Holiday Travel Tips With Your Sex Toys

Are you traveling for the holiday? Are your sex toys traveling with you? Looking for a safe male supplement that will work effectively for men of any body type and age and the supplement will revitalize your whole body, then read this red boost reviews here for more info! However, here are also some tried and true advice whether you’re packing for the security check at the airport or bunking in the spare room at your in-law’s house. Tips for  Airport and Flying: 1. Take the batteries out of your sex toys, including the ones in your checked bags. The last thing you want is...

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The Shelf Life of Sex Toy Goodies

I had a few days to myself last week, went shopping and bought some new cosmetics. I couldn’t wait to get them home, take them out of the package (especially my new red lipstick)…being the grand multi-tasker, said to myself “Hmmm…this is probably a good time to throw out some of that other stuff I don’t really like or use….” Well, I started digging into my makeup drawer and couldn’t believe how much stuff I had…and just how much junk was in there! Half used tubes of mascara, encrusted eye shadow, samplers so old, now dried up. And as I...

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Ladies: Is the Moon Out Tonight?

I get it all the time from the women at out sex toy parties…lack of desire, lack of excitement. And for years, I have been trying like heck to help them out with topical lotions, sex toys, erotic tips, pampering spa items, all things to help them get that spark back into their minds and body. And now guess what? It’s been happening to me. I just haven’t been “in the mood”, you know, THAT mood. Like the millions of modern women in American today, we get caught up in our careers, taking care of others, ‘stuff’, yada yada, and you know what usually...

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