Posts Tagged "prospecting"

Need inspiration? You got it, literally!

Feeling a little low after the holiday? You know you should get back on track emailing, organizing, planning, seeding, connecting,  hey some thing?   But if you only had a little inspiration, right? Easier said than done, believe me, I know.  But there is a sure fire way, and works every time, too.  Inspriration ALWAYS strikes when you take an action -even one little action.That’s it. One little baby step, one little baby action. Right now.  –Rina Valan  ###...

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How to buy a winning lottery ticket

The Scene: a restaurant, a bar, on the line at a grocery store, at the office, or a family gathering. A person comes up to you and says:“I have a winning lottery ticket here, it’s only $1. Do you want to buy it?” Of course you would! Well, guess what? You can always get a winning lottery ticket for a dollar.  How?  Your  product catalog, on hand, is your dollar! So, here’s the real question for you:Are you always prepared to buy your winning lottery tickets?At any given moment, place or time?Opportunities to pick up a new party lead or customer happen...

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Tips for Expos and Fairs

Last week some of our Fantasia home party reps got a booth and exhibited at a women’s expo. I attended and spent the afternoon casually observing how attendees behaved at our booth. I also spent a lot of time observing how attendees behaved with other exhibitors! Amazing what you learn and “remember” when you step back and just listen! Things that worked the best: Experiential: people like to poke, prod, touch, taste. Put the product in their hands and let them get excited about it as you give them ideas, features. Draw them into what the experience/outcome would be if...

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The Guy with the Fake Vomit

Last week, I was at an astronomy show with a friend. We stopped at a booth that did private exotic travel charters all over the world.A typical Mayan or Tahitian charter cost about $8,000 per person. Now, it’s safe to assume that $8,000 charters are not a mass market item, right? To my surprise, my friend walked up to the woman tending the booth and said: “Hey, you remember me? I’m the fellow on the Mayan adventure that took out the fake vomit and put it on our luggage pile so no one would pick it up by accident at the airport!” She immediately turned to her associate...

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Don’t Hit Me Over the Head with Your Bat!

Ever meet someone with a hard-sell attitude?Ugh. A minute with them and you feel like you’ve just been hit over the head with a bat. Oh, you can pick them out right away.They can be seen shoving a catalog or business card into every person’s hand they come across. You know them online—all their posts on Facebook are about pushing their products or service. The hard-sell sales person is all about “Me, Me Me!” But networking is about building relationships, not dumping your wants and needs onto others. Check out this article I found on the  “7 Habits of...

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