Posts Tagged "Online Dating"

Flirting on the Internet, Does it Count???

Such a sticky subject when it comes to matters of the heart in love…does flirting on the internet from your ‘other’ mean they are not interested in you any longer, just ‘keeping’ you around while something else better comes along, maybe bored, or is it just really harmless fun? I have heard from many friends and customers alike who are apparently doing this via discussion boards, personals, match sites, sex sites, etc, even though they are either married or ‘attached’. I have certainly had my share of those very same guys posing as...

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Passion is Like Stereo Wire

I have some huge speakers in my living room that suddenly stopped working last week. Since I don’t have a man with a toolbelt in my life, I forced myself to take a close look and see if it was something I could fix. I noticed that one of the big wires wrapped around one of the ports was frayed and dangling loose. Bingo. I bravely snipped the frayed end off, cut down the plastic tubing to expose open wire, and twisted it around the port. Dang! It worked! Twisting anything, of any sort, always reminds me a sex, but since was sex was already on my mind, the big fat wires seemed to congel...

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The Internet Dating Merry-Go-Round

I know I can’t be alone in this jungle out there called Internet Dating…it can be such a wonderful thing to be able to ‘eyeball’ people without an eyeball looking back, and not worrying about hurting their feelings. And you can literally ‘eyeball’ someone across town or across the country. Such a good thing, right? Err…sometimes. More often than not, the ‘meet and greet’ is disappointing to at least one of the parties. You’d be surprised to see how some stretch the truth on certain things, like my “Mr Age 61 on his E-Harmony...

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