Posts Tagged "time management"

It’s Nuckin’ Futs Time of the Year

Someone asked me yesterday if I was going crazy. Maybe they noticed the juggling of typical end of year tasks a home party business goes through while being in the middle of busy season.  Or maybe it was the little white jacket with the very long ties that gave it away! I bet you’re going through the same thing too. It’s challenging enough to keep your business tended to and growing while working a day job, taking care of family, kids, holiday shopping…you might have one or all of these on your plate! But, there is one very simple key to keep your sanity plus keep...

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I’m Going Nuckin Futs

Someone asked me yesterday if I was going crazy. Maybe they noticed the juggling of typical end of year tasks a home party business goes through while being in the middle of busy season.  Or maybe it was the little white jacket with the very long ties that gave it away! I bet you’re going through the same thing too. It’s challenging enough to keep your business tended to and growing while working a day job, taking care of family, kids, holiday shopping…you might have one or all of these on your plate! But, there is one very simple key to keep your sanity plus keep...

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Do You Know Where Your Party Dress Is?

A funny thing happened on the way to an out-of-town wedding a couple of months ago. An hour before the ceremony, I checked into a local hotel and proceeded to get dressed. That’s where the funny comes in… I had left my dress at home and all I had were the jeans and t-shirt I drove down in. If you’re a woman, you can only imagine the dilemma.  I can’t even buy socks that fit! It only took me about 4 shopping trips to find the perfect outfit in the first place, and now it was sitting on my ironing board 3 hours away. All I wanted to do was scream! So, instead...

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Bulk into Steel No Gym Required

Ever get a morning where you just don’t feel like doing anything?Maybe you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or it’s hormones, or not enough sleep. I bet whatever it is is enough to justify piddling around and getting nothing done for your business. I had such a morning last week.Do you know what ‘saved’ me? It was nothing exotic really. And no, it wasn’t a quick pick-me-up Tony Robbins’ video, or my fourth cup of coffee, or a nice deposit in the checking account. No, no. It is quite lame actually. What saved my day?A blank piece of paper.Yes, I...

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Are You Going Nuts?

Someone asked me yesterday if I was going crazy. Maybe they noticed how I’m juggling all the typical “end of year” tasks a business goes through while being in the middle of busy season. Or maybe it was the little white jacket with the very long ties that gave it away! I bet you’re going through the same thing too. It’s challenging enough to keep your business tended to and growing while working a day job, taking care of family, kids, holiday shopping…you might have one or all of these on your plate! But, there is one very simple key to keep your sanity...

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