Posts Tagged "social networking"

Let’s Roll Out the Dough!

It’s that time of year, again! Middle January is when your past home party customers, hostesses and prospects start seriously thinking about getting together with their friends. They are both back in a socializing AND buying mood. Dough Making Tips: 1. Draw up a prospect list. Your prospect/and people you have met over the past few months has increased. Now is a good time! 2. Now, work that prospect list every day! Focus on a few at a time to reconnect via email, Facebook, by phone or mail. The idea is to engage them! Get them excited about a new product, a new feature, an...

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Dear Santa, define a good party?

 Let’s say you have a home party. 12 people show up. Sales were low. You didn’t get any bookings.Bad party, right?  Wrong! Why? Because you met 12 people in person and they saw you, your products, heard your pitch, and experienced your service. These 12 people turned into 12 warm leads. And warm leads, if you work them, can be eventually turned into customers, a party hostess, a referral or even a new recruit. -12 new people you can continue your connection with. -12 new people you could email a brief note after your party and ask them if they had a good time, and comment on...

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What Light Bulb are you Using?

OLD BULB:   sitting at your computer once a day to check your mail NEW BULB:   you literally run your home party business from your Blackberry, Droid, iPhone or smart phone that is essentially portable computer in your hand. Our brain and image memory has been so ingrained, it’s  hard to imagine that something else can take it’s place. But it has! We are smack dab in the middle of an evolution! And whether we like it or not, to be successful in our business we have to be:   1. more efficient   2. easily accessible    3. and immediate! How you embrace the evolution will...

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Talking Yourself Into Business

If you are saying to yourself “Gosh, I’m so busy keeping up with business!”  That’s really good. What’s not good? “It’s getting hot out no one wants to book now,  it’s slow,  holiday is coming,  kids out of school,  people are busy, I’m busy…” In fact, you’re perpetuating a pattern and no matter what time of year it is, or economic climate, anything you believe ultimately becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Is that what you want? Of course not. How to avoid a slump? Admit it is more of a mindset more than...

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Did I Ever Tell You? You Look Like my Aunt!

  Connection:   the shared emotional feeling of attachment to someone, because of a subject, thing, event, place, smell, sound, thought, experience… If you can truly ‘connect’ with your prospects, they will turn into and become your customers forever. All human beings are naturally drawn to a familiar, especially in unfamiliar situations. The biggest key to have someone COMPELLED to do business with you, is a feeling of connection. Key: start every conversation, every voice mail, and especially emails with a sentence or phrase to seek or validate something that...

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