Feature Friday: Take This Charge and Job It
A day in the life of Kayda Warner, the operations manager of a sex toy home party company lasts about 32 hours. There was a rumor once she slept inbetween . I actually think Barbara invented caring. When people ask you “what do you do?” how do you describe your business? I tell them that I manage the shipping and operations for a home party company specializing in products for women and their partners. What is the funniest story or situation you can think of involving your business/what you sell?Yikes, there is something everyday. Like the look on UPS guys faces when...
Read MoreTime to Make the Donuts
If you’re not as busy as you want or need to be, it’s time to stop the excuses you’re telling yourself: -no one is interested-no one has money-economy is bad-I live in a bad area-it’s too close to the holiday. Excuses don’t get you business, it only delays you from actually taking an action or taking the right kind of actions. Excuses justify the feeling and thinking it’s not your fault.You are victimizing yourself. Let’s face it. You own the shop.And someone has to get up and make the donuts. Fire the lame employees disguised as excuses.Get up...
Read MoreFacebook Wall No-No’s
In the Home Party Business?Some things you should NOT post on walls: -Don’t try to close a sale-Don’t pick a party date-Don’t nag about them for not responding, not booking, not calling-Don’t go into details about any business transaction(s) -Don’t openly manage your team member(s)-Don’t post too many ‘commercial’ messages about your business in a row or too many times in one day (this is the fastest way for your friends to ‘hide’ you in their feed)-Don’t hostess coach in detail (like posting: “How many guests do you...
Read MoreGot a Dream?
Might as well make it BIG! If you ever wondered if it were possible to make real money in the sex toy home party business, then here’s the opportunity to get the inside story, and I’ll give it to you straight. I’ve been in the business for nearly 30 years, and you can be lucky too by making money while LOVING what you do! Wednesday, June 16 at 8PM EDT, be a fly on the wall and listen to a way to make those big dreams be in YOUR reach without taking yourself to the cleaners. Here’s the link: Dream Big.All the information is there, but you have to sign up to RSVP and...
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