Posts Tagged "relationship marketing"

The Tipping Call

Know what happens when you call a hostess with delivery information and a call to make sure everything was ok? You tip the scales, and you become worth your weight in gold! Why? Because: 1. Your hostess adds ” trust-worthy” and “gives great service” as adjectives to describe you to others, essentials to keep your home party business going. 2. You opened the door to a continuing conversation, relationship AND an opportunity to ask for: —a referral, someone they know who may be interested in your service, especially the no-shows —outside orders from...

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5 Things You Can do for Your Business in 5 Minutes

 Got 5 minutes?   1. Schedule your own home party, the date should be asap.  Chances are you haven’t had one, or one in the past few months. Give it a theme, do a fantasy auction, bingo, mystery hostess, closeouts, give them a reason to come have fun and party. 2.  Post a quick blurb on your Facebook page for two open party dates for next month. Say the first person to respond will get “X” (fill in the “X” with something exciting you have on hand and/or will bring to their party) 3. Update your email signature line, add a creative tag line, or call to...

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Post Party Fishing

The Scene:Phone conversation with an experienced home party sales representative. The Pain: When asked how her sales were this month: “I did a fantastic $1500 party last week. There were over 15 people there, but no one booked! I feel discouraged, and can’t seem to find new people to book one of my shows.” Thump to Side of Her Head:Wait a minute! She had found LOTS of new people!  What she didn’t find were fish that jumped into her boat! And fishing isn’t just about throwing a line into the water!You have to:—find the right spot—bait the hook or...

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