Posts Tagged "sex toy parties. rina valan"

Drop by Drop The Jug Fills

3 years ago I started a blog, The Daily Juice.  Drop by drop the jug fills – Buddha My head and heart was overflowing with real life stories from 33 years of experience in the home party business. It was a little overwhelming at first.I didn’t know where to start. So one day, I started with a drop.  And every now and then, I would add another, and another. Now three years later,  I noticed that I had collected over 500 drops in my blog. Whew! Drops sure do add up, and I completed my 500th blog post just the other day. Hey, you never know what that one drop will lead...

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How Do You See It

A door that goes nowhere?  Or a door that goes everywhere? Never make assumptions. —Rina Valan ###

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Don’t let it all go to the birds. Mail something. Call a prospect. Email even more prospects. Find new groups, add new friends. Research sales techniques. Read something inspirational. Host your own home party. Get re-excited.  But most of all, act! ––Rina...

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Take a Look Inside Your Cup

Is yours empty or does it runneth over? A university professor went to visit a famous Zen master. While the master quietly served tea, the professor talked about Zen.The master poured the visitor’s cup to the brim, and then kept pouring. The professor watched the overflowing cup until he could no longer restrain himself. “It’s overfull! No more will go in!” the professor blurted.  “You are like this cup,” the master replied, “How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup.” Sigh. I so love this story.In fact, I keep empty china...

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Post Party Fishing

The Scene:Phone conversation with an experienced home party sales representative. The Pain: When asked how her sales were this month: “I did a fantastic $1500 party last week. There were over 15 people there, but no one booked! I feel discouraged, and can’t seem to find new people to book one of my shows.” Thump to Side of Her Head:Wait a minute! She had found LOTS of new people!  What she didn’t find were fish that jumped into her boat! And fishing isn’t just about throwing a line into the water!You have to:—find the right spot—bait the hook or...

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