Posts Tagged "sales tips"

Put Down the Bat

The scene: a hard sell salesperson, shoving  a business card and catalog into your hand.A minute with them and you feel like you’ve just been hit over the head with a bat. Ugh.Oh, you can pick them out right away.They can be seen shoving a catalog or business card into every person’s hand they come across. You know them online.All their posts on Facebook are about pushing their products or service. The hard-sell sales person is all about “Me, Me Me!” But networking is about building relationships, not dumping your wants and needs onto others. I Check out this article...

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The Number One Mistake Home Party Consultants Make

They try to sell. When I started Fantasia Home Parties back in 1984,  I trained all our newly hired sales representatives. And the first thing I would tell them is: “I hate selling!”   No one believed me, and they laughed because I was the number one sales person for the longest time! My secret? I love to help people get what they need and what they want, and I really love to make people happy.  And I love our products! If you can feel that way about what you do or sell, let it come through and through. Pretty soon you’ll stop struggling for another...

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4 Deadly words: Can I help you?

When was the last time you tried to buy wallpaper?Ugh. There are thousands of choices, literally! I headed over to Home Depot the other day. When I walked into the wallpaper department, there were rows and rows and rows. A store clerk said: “Can I help you?” I said, “I need wallpaper, but I don’t have the time now” and I walked back out. Yesterday, I walked into a local paint store to look at wallpaper.A store clerk said: “Are you looking for a pattern or more of a texture? Pastel or deeper tones?” Needless to say, I walked out with wallpaper. Moral...

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Even People Spring Leaks

Last night around 7PM, one of the pipes in my home sprung a leak. Holy water all over the place!  What did I do?   I Googled “plumbers” in my area. There was a whole list! So I called about a half dozen because it was after hours and no one picked up the phone. So, I wound up leaving messages with all of them. Do you know who fixed my pipe? The first one who called me back. Remember, anyone who contacts you, whether by phone, email, mail or carrier pigeon wants service. Give it to them, first. “Winner!” —Rina...

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