4 Deadly words: Can I help you?

When was the last time you tried to buy wallpaper?
Ugh. There are thousands of choices, literally!

I headed over to Home Depot the other day.
When I walked into the wallpaper department, there were rows and rows and rows.

A store clerk said: “Can I help you?”

I said, “I need wallpaper, but I don’t have the time now” and I walked back out.

Yesterday, I walked into a local paint store to look at wallpaper.
A store clerk said: “Are you looking for a pattern or more of a texture? Pastel or deeper tones?”

Needless to say, I walked out with wallpaper.

Moral of the story?
Next time you see interest from someone, check your response and questions. Ask smart questions, help them focus to narrow down choices. “Is a Friday or a Sunday better for you? Would this or that date work?”

Rina Valan
