Posts Tagged "role play"

Make Believe Isn’t Just for Halloween!

Last night, my beau and I were discussing what costume we could pull together for a Halloween party next Saturday night. We started to brainstorm, and then I remembered I had a real stethoscope and went to grab it.  He laid it on the one side of his shoulder, and then he put them in his ears, then placed it on my breast.Hmm, I thought “Doctor and his oversexed nurse.”Would you believe I was starting to get a bit excited, and so was he? Wait! He could be a plastic surgeon instead:“Dr Augment” and I could be his rather augmented-breastful patient! So, I ran upstairs and...

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Make Believe Isn’t Just for Halloween

Last night, my new beau and I were discussing what costume we could pull together for a Halloween party Friday night. We started to brainstorm, and then I remembered I had a real stethascope and went to grab it. . He laid on the one side of his shoulder, and then he put them in his ears and placed it on my breast. Hmm…doctor and his oversexed nurse. I was starting to get a bit excited, and so was he. Wait, he could be a plastic surgeon, “Dr Augment” and I could be his rather augmented breasted patient. So, I ran upstairs and pulled out my killer black bra that pushed out the...

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