Posts Tagged "recruiting"

5 Essential Tips That Will Build You a Downline

Want to recruit someone into your home parties business? It’s a great way to increase your income when you build a down line! Building a down line doesn’t happen overnight, but is well worth your effort. It’s an investment in your business future- both in overrides and in more people being attracted to your business in general. 5 Essential Tips: 1.  Talk about what you do to everyone, but don’t try to recruit everyone.There is a difference. But do not overlook anyone either. You want to look for people who are outgoing, ambitious, fun-loving.  Give everyone you ...

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The Magic Phrase

“The most important thing in communication  is to hear what isn’t being said”  Peter Drucker So, how do you make them talk? Here’s the magic phrase: “Tell me about… ” “Tell me about…what you’re thinking.” “Tell me about…what you think about our program.” “Tell me about…what you’re looking for.” “Tell me about…the friends you’re inviting” “Tell me about…what is holding you back.” It’s the perfect way to get to the unspoken issue or...

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The Magic Phrase

It’s hard to do business with someone that isn’t really talkative. They don’t really tell you what they want or need. They never voice a specific concern.  So, you just assume they’re not interested.  You don’t want to ‘push.’ Guess what? You need the magic phrase to draw out what they may not be telling you! Drum roll please!And the magic phrase is…. “Tell me about.. ” For instance:    “Tell me about what you’re thinking.”    “Tell me about the friends invited to your romance...

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The Let Me Think About it Customer

 The scene: Friday night at one of your home parties, or any party night.Or you’re on the phone or sending an email drumming up business. You ask: Would you like to have a party?They respond: Let me think about it. Don’t you just hate that???  That response just irks me, and then I realized that just about everyone says that, no matter what business you’re in! Do you know what the worse thing you can do?Respond with  “Ok, call me.” They won’t. So, what to say instead? Give them a great reason why they should book a party NOW!Start your response...

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What’s the Story?

Want a secret weapon that will make you a great sales person without ‘selling?’Tell your customers a story. I read someplace that we humans are wired for stories—since we were little kids we’ve been read to and told stories. Essentially, this is how we’ve been conditioned to learn—morals and values are taught through stories. Stories are essential and powerful, as long as they are about 30 seconds long.  A good story is especially effective with prospective customers, people who may host a party,  hostess coaching, or when speaking with a potential new...

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