Posts Tagged "procrastination"

The Procrastination Blues

For the past week, I’ve been struggling with getting to the gym. Procrastination is the mother of all my frustrations lately and this morning was no different. So, I woke up at 5AM thinking to get a head start. A half hour later, I was still laying in bed, and contemplated the weather. Another half hour after that, I thought about all the things I had to do today and how I was going to be able to fit it all in.Now 7AM, I thought I might as well wait for the coffee to brew, the sun to rise, glaciers to melt, and, and, and, and… The good news: I did finally make it by 8AM. And just...

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Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It

Take a look at your next 2 weekends—do you have any home parties booked? Make it a mission to book them by end of this day. At worst, you’ll wind up with bookings for sometime in the next 2 months. Start the process over again tomorrow until your mission is accomplished—stay on the mission! “I can’t…. ”  or “I usually….” or “They never ….” or “I never ….” I can hear your brain all the way on the other side of this screen. Do you actually listen to what you are saying to yourself?Careful here…whatever...

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