Take a look at your next 2 weekends—do you have any home parties booked? Make it a mission to book them by end of this day. At worst, you’ll wind up with bookings for sometime in the next 2 months.
Start the process over again tomorrow until your mission is accomplished—stay on the mission!
“I can’t…. ” or “I usually….” or “They never ….” or “I never ….”
I can hear your brain all the way on the other side of this screen.
Do you actually listen to what you are saying to yourself?
Careful here…whatever you think or say to yourself,
your perfect beautiful brain listens, and obeys.
Give the brain the mission, and if you do it at least once a week, you will probably have to come up with a new mission within a month or so. You would have so many parties booked that the new mission would be to slip in that vacation that you now can afford!