Posts Tagged "preparty preparation"

De-Stressors Before De-Party!

Ok, you’ve coached your hostess for tonight’s party and you got a boat load of people coming. Time’s running out, you got to get your kit together, while the dog tugging at your leg and the baby is screaming…help! Somebody save me! Whoa! The time right before your party has got to be managed, because the last thing you want to do is arrive and look like a lunatic. Use these tried and true pre-party suggestions to get you there in tip top shape!  1.  Reconfirm the directions your hostess gave you and then recheck them online. Know where you are going in ...

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De-Stressors Before De-Party!

You’ve coached your hostess for tonight, you got a boat load of people coming, got to get your kit together, dog tugging at your leg and the baby is screaming. Help! Is there a tranquilizer in the house? Whoa! Use these tried and true pre-party suggestions to get you there in tip top shape!  1.  Reconfirm the directions your hostess gave you and then recheck them online. Know where you are going in advance! Also, print out your reverse directions so you know how to get home. 2.  Make sure your kit is ready the night before or the morning of your show, in your car if possible. That...

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