Posts Tagged "business opportunities"

Even People Spring Leaks

Last night around 7PM, one of the pipes in my home sprung a leak. Holy water all over the place!  What did I do?   I Googled “plumbers” in my area. There was a whole list! So I called about a half dozen because it was after hours and no one picked up the phone. So, I wound up leaving messages with all of them. Do you know who fixed my pipe? The first one who called me back. Remember, anyone who contacts you, whether by phone, email, mail or carrier pigeon wants service. Give it to them, first. “Winner!” —Rina...

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Turn the Brew to Woohoo!

  When:    The day after an adult toy party. The Place:    In your hostess’s mind The Issue:  She’s wondering: -What the heck her party sales came out to be? – What credits did she actually get? – Did anyone really book a show? …and all the while wishing she could had paid attention to you instead of being the ultimate hostess and taking care of her friends and guests. The Dilemma: She wonders, worries. And when her party orders do come in she is never really sure if she was treated properly or given what she actually earned…and she brews. And...

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