Your Secret Weapon: Email Subject Line

Do you often overlook the subject line when you send an email? Well, did you know that the subject line in emails is one of the most important ways to get someone to actually open it AND read it?

People who are new to marketing their business ask: “How should I write my subject lines so that more recipients will open my emails?” It is such a shame when you spend a lot of time on writing the perfect copy, or coming up with an incredible offer only for it to be immediately deleted by your recipient. This is so critical when it comes to emails to potential party hostesses, reconfirmation of booked party dates, order and party follow up, etc. You don’t want to be trashed without a fair glance!

So what’s our advice for email subject lines? This is going to sound “stupid simple” to a lot of people, but here goes: Your subject line should (drum roll please): Describe the subject of your email. Don’t confuse newsletters with promotions or follow up notes. If your email is a newsletter, put the name and issue of the newsletter in your subject line. Because that’s what’s inside. If your email is a special promotion, tell them what’s inside. Either way, just don’t write your subject lines like advertisements. When it comes to email marketing, the best subject lines tell what’s inside, and the worst subject lines sell what’s inside.

As promised, I found a great article on the best and worst of email subject lines. The people over at MailChimp recently analyzed over 40 million emails sent from customers, and found the ones with the highest open rates and the ones with the lowest open rates.  Interesting: one of the best is “We Throwing a Party. ” Worth your time, make sure you put it into practice ASAP!

P.S. From now on, notice the subject line in the emails you get. Which do you automatically delete? Which are the ones you open and ask yourself ‘why?” With some tweaking, you may have your next great subject line!