You Can’t Rush Chocolate or Hostess Coaching

I made chocolate covered strawberries over the weekend. 
They were delicious. And they were a huge pain in my neck!

Because I went through 3 bags of chocolate before getting  it right. 
I was in a rush, and because I have done this dozens of times before, I thought I could just microwave the chocolate bits, and viola’!

But noooooo. 
I ruined the batch of chocolate, twice. 
All because I was a little too confident of myself, a little to lazy to do it the right way and actually ‘temper’ the chocolate.  And in case you don’t know to ‘temper’ means to melt it slowly, ideally over steam in a double boiler.

So, what does this have to do with Hostess Coaching???

Well, after you’ve made dozens of  hostess coaching phone calls in your life, you can forget about some of the basic ‘musts’ that need to be addressed and addressed at the proper times
Why? Because you want to make sure you got the right time, the right place, the hostess with the right attitude and the right amount of guests waiting for you! 

Here are the hostess coaching calls and timing, no shortcuts allowed:

   -1. Calling your hostess a few days after you mailed her hostess pack
Why? To make sure she got it, that it didn’t get lost in the mail, that you have the right address, and to reconfirm the party date.
   -2. Calling her again about 2 weeks  before the party.
Why? To get her re-excited, to go over some guest attendance building tips, to encourage her to create an event on Facebook, and to reconfirm the party date.
   -3. Calling her the night before the exceptions here!
Why? To trouble shoot any small issues and fix them before they amount to anything. 
Also, so you can encourage her to make last minute reconfirm phone calls, and the attendance can get beefed up. And-so you can review the driving directions to her home (even if you have a GPS!)

If you are relying on email ONLY to hostess coach and take place of these calls, you’re losing out. There is nothing like the human voice and connection, and you want to make sure that connection is there and working for both you and her.

Make the calls, with the right reasons and at the right time!

Rina Valan
