Today was truly a day of pure yin and yang here at Fantasia Home Parties.
A party lead was distributed to a Sales Rep.
And as you may know, party leads are extremely valuable, a gift really.
A few hours later, she returned that lead back to us. “Too far for me”she said.
It was 20 miles away.
So, we redistributed that same party lead to another Sales Rep, even thought it is 90 miles away for her.
A few hours later, she calls back and asks:
“So, what’s the furthest distance out from me are you able to give me?”
She is serious about her business, and she is willing to travel wherever to go and do a party. She also felt it was a great way for her to learn about new areas and get a whole new circle of customers.
Gifts can come to you in all forms and in many places. Some are on your own computer, social media circles, old cancellations, customer receipts, customer archives, or they may lie a few counties away.
The best way to find gifts? Reevaluate your limitations.