Here’s a theme party idea you can use right now, and I mean right NOW!
Book a Red, White & BOOM Fantasia Party!
Important: give them a deadline or the choice or 2 or 3 dates.
Say something like:
“I have June 29, June 30th or July 7th open. Book your party NOW and…..(you fill in here for any extra incentive you may want to offer…plus any other fun incentive for guests. Don’t forget we have the “Wild Thing” July hostess special!)
Take action: email any prospects, prior cancellations or postponed parties, email old hostesses or customers, post it on Facebook or Twitter, or just plain call!
Better Action: get a guaranteed booking by booking YOURSELF a party! It’s a great way to celebrate the holiday, seeing your friends and adding some extra ‘boom’ power!
Theme parties are nothing new but a natural excuse for you to focus a prospect on party date.
So, make it fun! Get excited! It is contagious!
Bet you can get at least one booking. I challenge you!
–Rina Valan