One of the most dynamic sales reps in our home party plan business, Leah Karnatski, shared her personal list of suggestions for holding a great party. She addresses some practical issues about party presentations, plus some down home good advice!
Leah’s Top 10 Successful Home Party Suggestions:
1. Rotate your games to keep things fresh and guests coming back for more. Note: I rotate a series 4-5 games that work for just about any crowd. I ‘road test’ new games with repeat hostesses because some require practice to make it work for the group. I don’t over do it, as I usually play 2 games per party.
2. Rotate what you pass around to keep your mind alert about every product. If you have a lot of samples, keep in mind certain things don’t need to be passed, and certain things always do. Know the difference.
3. Keep things simple! If your products have lots of choices (like colors, flavors, size), don’t pass around every choice. Display them, but don’t wear out your welcome by putting on a 4-hour presentation. Tighten it up or lose your audience!
4. Carry plenty of giveaways, prizes and freebies, but don’t overdue it. Use samplers whenever possible, and smaller items for second or third place prizes or tiebreakers. This way, everybody feels like they got something and you aren’t investing a fortune.
5. Laugh as much as possible, even if someone is heckling you. I once had a customer tell me she was going to ‘wipe the floor with me’. I laughed it off, of course. Good timing with laughter or smiling can completely diffuse the stickiest of situations, and also win you the favor of the rest of the attendees.
6. For the love of Pete, wear comfortable shoes. Be good to yourself, invest in a pair that can go with anything, allows you to ‘bounce’ around and still look professional.
7. Give everyone and yourself a ‘break’ about half way. Your guests need it and so do you. It’s a perfect time for ‘snacks’ and ‘catch-up’ chat for party guests. Once you get going again, at the finish you can go right into order taking and not lose them,
8. Keep your set-up and breakdown to 15 minutes or less. Make the task efficient so you’re not shooing away the hostess or customers who are talking to you while doing so.
9. Go with the flow! Most of us have some sort of structure to our presentations, but if the party takes an unfamiliar turn, be flexible and go with the flow. You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to let go of your own structure and how the sales will still be there at the end. Perhaps they want mostly games and less presentation. Some may just want an in-depth share-session. Give them what they want and you will get what you want.
10. Remember that you are there at the hostess’s house for her and her guests, not the other way around! Bring your own bottle of water, don’t plow through the food or snacks that is there for the guests. Be polite, gracious, and flexible. Don’t rush the hostess or the customers. Don’t make plans for after the party as you might feel compelled to rush through the presentation-and that’s never a good idea!
P.S. Got any of your own? Please comment below!