The Number One Mistake Sales People Make

They try to sell.
When I started Fantasia Home Parties  back in 1984,  I trained all our newly hired sales  consultants. They laughed when I said “I hate selling!”  They never believed me because despite my hate of selling I was the top selling sales person for the longest time!

My secret? 
I love to help people get what they need and what they want, and I really love to make people happy. And I love our products! If you can feel that way about what you do or sell, and manifest that in what you say and do, pretty soon you’ll stop struggling for another sale.

FYI: we in the party plan business are not really  sales people.
We are mentors  and teachers, and if we’re doing this correctly, we are spending much of  our time building  relationships—not trying to get our friends and prospects to take our best deals, or constantly ‘pushing’ for them to buy.

Think of this…
People  like to buy. They don’t like to be sold.

And besides, who likes that icky feeling you get when you try to sell. It just doesn’t sit well, so stop it!
This is especially important when  you  go out and try to get bookings, when you walk and talk, and ESPECIALLY your posts on Facebook!

Attract  instead of repel.
Sell your service, be excited about your products, let your genuine enthusiasm for them come through. 

Furthermore, educate them  on how much they can learn about having fun, products, what their friends like, educate them that you have a REAL service they can’t wait to experience!

If you love your products, sell your service, and build the relationships.
Key: it may not happen overnight, but it will happen!

Rina Valan

P.S. Another thing: people can feel the difference when you’re talking to  them about things you personally use/like and can recommend, or when  you’re just trying to sell them something. If you don’t love what you’re selling, move on.
