Posts Tagged "telemarketing"

Making the Call and Getting it Back!

The secret of getting people to return calls and saying YES? Develop a rapport FIRST. How do you develop a rapport first?Start with talking less than 10 seconds, and then ask a connection question! Most people just talk too much at the beginning of any conversation. You shouldn’t share for more than 10 seconds! That 10 seconds is just enough for you to give them some clarifying information like your name, company, purpose.Now after your 10 seconds of clarifying information, ask them a connection question.It could be something about the town they live in, an attraction nearby you have...

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3 Phrases That Ruin A Phone Conversation

You pick up the phone and the first thing your hear: “Hi, it’s just Joe Salesman. I’m following up on…” Click! That’s my favorite phone boo-boo! Here are three phrases to avoid when you call a prospect, customer, home party hostess and especially when you leave a voice mail: 1. Never say “Just”   Whenever we use the word “just,” we are lowering the value of our offer when compared to whatever is occupying their attention at that moment.For instance, say I call Jane Prospect and say:“Hi Jane, it’s just...

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