8 Things I wish Everyone Knew About Email
From the blog of Seth Godin: Change your settings so that email from you has a name, your name, not a blank or some unusual characters, in the from field. (ask a geek or IT person for help if you don’t know how). Change your settings so that the bottom of every email includes a signature (often called a sig) that includes your name and your organization. Change your settings so that when you reply to a note, the note you’re replying to is included below what you write (this is called quoting). Don’t hit reply all. Just don’t. You can’t recall an email...
Read MoreA Business Movement, Starring You!
The home party and direct sales business is about being both the spark and creating a following.It isn’t easy being a leader (the spark), but without leading your business, you won’t get followers (i.e. customers, hostesses, sales). This little video clip demonstrates humorously what a one person does to create a following.My favorite part happens just before the first minute mark.That’s when guy #3 joins the group. Initiators are rare indeed—it’s scary to be the leader. At first, it’s just a crazy dancing guy and then maybe one other crazy guy. But it’s guy...
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