Posts Tagged "productivity"

Need inspiration? You got it, literally!

Feeling a little low after the holiday? You know you should get back on track emailing, organizing, planning, seeding, connecting,  hey some thing?   But if you only had a little inspiration, right? Easier said than done, believe me, I know.  But there is a sure fire way, and works every time, too.  Inspriration ALWAYS strikes when you take an action -even one little action.That’s it. One little baby step, one little baby action. Right now.  –Rina Valan  ###...

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A Habit Ain’t Enough, Even if You’re a Nun!

About a year ago, I could chest press with 35lb barbells in each hand, and do countless sets of crunches. Like clock work, at 6AM in the morning, I would jump out and bed and head down to the gym, work out intensively for about an hour, and then go to the office. Now, I probably can’t even do one set of anything! When I blew out a couple discs in April, the pain was so excruciating, I could not walk, never mind go to the gym. Now that I’m better, I still haven’t gone to the gym and I’ve been struggling with trying to get back into the habit. It just isn’t...

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