Stop Waiting and Start Singing!

So, what if you are an amazing singer and you have no stage?

Do you ‘wait’ until you land an audition and someone gives you a job?

And if that doesn’t happen, maybe you just give up altogether and go bus tables?

Not for Alice Tan Ridley, she’s my kind of woman!
No stage? No problem! She creates her own, right on the platforms of the New York City Subways! And she belts her heart out in an Etta James meets Mt St Helens kind of way. Powerful, majestic, confident, determined, soulful, she erupts utterly with pure passion!

So, what if YOU are have an amazing business, are an amazing person and/or have an amazing skill?
You can’t wait until someone notices you, especially when you’re in business! If you limit yourself to growing, marketing, or promoting your business ONLY when you’re ‘officially on stage’, then you’d better already be a rock star!

Get rid of thinking that the only ‘stage’ is the one you stand on in front of your customers in a neat little organized way. You have a stage and opportunity to ‘sing’ where you walk, talk, meet, type anything on the internet, socialize on or off line, travel, play, worship, politicize, write, read, drink, wash, rally, drive, eat, vacation, escape, fly, educate, shop, convalesce, and even mourn.

Open your eyes right now and see the abundant, vast and FREE stages about you…and SING!

Rina Valan 

P.S. If you missed Alice’s amazing performance on America’s Got Talent, here it is:
