Social Media Now Overtakes Porn on the Web!

Can you believe it? Social Media, like Facebook, is now the number one activity of the web, overtaking porn!

With the sudden rise this past year, Facebook has become one of the most visited websites online. It’s also been reported that Facebook gets more visitors every day than Yahoo!

So with all these people to be-friend on Facebook, the question is, “how do you use Facebook to build your business?”

The answer is quite simple: you make friends first.

*Then, you attract followers by providing them good value in the form of thought provoking questions, comments, quotes and dialogue.
*You’ll know who your followers are because they will read your status updates and comment on them or let you know that they like what you have to say.
*Then, those followers will become a fan of yours, meaning that not only are they your friend and follower, but they will reach out to you and thank you for your contributions to your community and perhaps might even ask you what you do or how they might be able to work with you.
*This might even result in a new customer, hostess, or new recruit.

Facebook is like going to school for the first time…before you really wanted to hang out with someone, you listened to them, hung around for a while, and after making a decision in your head about this new person, you became their friend, trusted in them, etc. Then you were following them, or leading them , BUT that all came after you made your own decision about them, no one pushed that person upon you. Just like your home party business and bookings, you need to build trust, friendship, respect. and then you will be able to recommend your services, tools,and or opportunity. Offer value first!
So, the worst thing you can do on Facebook, is pitch your deal immediately, all the time.
Not only will people ignore you, but many will remove you as their friend if they feel that the only reason you are on Facebook is to sell your product or service. Imagine going to a doctor and before they even ask you any questions, they are writing you a prescription. Not only didn’t they ask you anything about yourself, but they didn’t even find out if you even have a need for one.

So, brand yourself as a leader first – someone that people will come to know, like and trust.
Then, if people ask you about your business, that’s great. Let them engage you and then you can provide them with more information. Now, if you contribute to your community on Facebook often, with great value, it’s fine to include a link to your personal blog or hub page or any other Social Media that you’ve created or that has been written or spoken about you. Just don’t keep posting the same status that reads, “Make a Jilion in a Jiffy” with a link to your website.

Remember, nobody cares about your business opportunity until they see that you are someone they’d even want to work with. If all you post is business information, your intentions speak loudly on their own and you will alienate yourself.

If you treat your Facebook friends with respect and courtesy and contribute often, chances are that you will attract great people who ask what you do and how they can get more information.

I found this article on—read more about it and comments from others here:

P.S. Yes, I’m on Facebook! If you’re on, add me. If not, I’ll be your first friend!



  1. I use Facebook and Twitter, they’re great social networking tools. I plan, evite and track attendees on Facebook for parties. The only disappointing part of Facebook is they won’t allow me to create an Ad, they said my business content is restricted material that is not allowed on their site. I find this sort of funny considering some of the pics and posts on there.
    Have a Beautiful Day!

  2. Christine,

    I hear you. Some people/businesses do invest in ‘paid’ ads, and you see those on the right side of the screen. However, in these days and times, your best ‘ad’ I believe is yourself—we are all being bombarded in all directions.

    So the key is to:
    —develop relationships where you are valued (i.e. get trusted and provide information, inspiration, support, etc)
    —and then ‘get their attention’…read my post on 50 cent Hot Dog ideas. Hope this helps, we’re all facing the same issues. It was so much easier back in the stone age just a decade ago.