If you are saying to yourself “Gosh, I’m so busy keeping up with business stuff!”
That’s really good.
But are you saying instead “It’s getting hot out, no one wants to book now, it’s slow, holiday is coming, kids out of school, people are busy, I’m busy…”
That’s not so good.
In fact, you’re perpetuating a pattern and no matter what time of year it is or economic climate, anything you believe ultimately becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Is that what you want???
What if you owned a retail store? Would you close over every holiday? Or close over several weeks or months and ‘wait’ until people decided to walk in your door? What would you be doing while traffic seems slow?
The same applies with your party plan business. Our “busy” time is not necessarily when you have a couple of parties booked every week! That’s the outside world’s assumption! The busiest time is when you don’t have several parties booked and you are digging out all your customer lists, marketing, prospecting, emailing, writing, Facebooking, calling, walking and talking. THAT is your true busy time because in order for you because you realize that to have work, you must create work.
Those who create their own sense of urgency and take actions are the ones who have the magic pixie dust.
Those who wait until they believe their customers or hostesses are “now ready” operate on old style business model. The problem? Customers and hostesses are not behaving and/or operating on that old style model anymore—the Internet changed with connecting them to everybody and everything.
Bottom line: your customers and hostesses are “ready” whenever you are ready or a competitor is ready…whichever or whomever comes first.