—Put a PS on every letter you write. People go right to the signature to see who sent it, so the PS can act like a headline.
—When writing about what you can do for somebody, don’t waste your time tooting your own horn. Remember to answer “WIIFM?” (What’s in it for them)
—On sales letters/emails, your heads and subheads should be in a contrasting color to the body copy. Your message will jump of the page.
—In life, a picture is worth a thousand words, but in emails, the right words can be worth thousands of dollars.
These great tips are from our friends over at the CopyStop, make sure you utilize them right now and be even more effective in your business!
P.S. Want some ideas now for some attention getting copy in those emails you send to your prospects, hostesses and customers? Read my previous post: “How to Get Their Attention Without Smacking Them in The Head!