Let’s start with buying a pair of jeans.
Have you done that lately? It’s insane!
There’s mid rise, low rise, boot cut, straight leg, short, tall, full hips, no hips, stretch. It so overwhelming it makes me walk out the store!
People like choices, but frankly, but all they want is someone to come up to them and say “You want the low rise with a boot cuff or straight leg?”
Give them ‘this or that.’
The same question and technique applies when you try to book a party.
You want to turn your customer’s thought from
-“Do I want to have a party?” to
-“Oh, I see, I have the choice of this or that date!”
Here’s how to do it a your next home party:
1. Just take a wall calendar, and on the days you are already booked or are not available mark with a big “X.” You don’t have to put the particulars on any of the dates, just mark them off with an “X.”
2. At the end of your presentation, give your brief pitch about booking a party.
3. Then. pass the calendar over to one person and say “OK everybody, here are the dates I have available. Pencil in your name and number with your choice.”
Works like a charm!