Hunting is So Yesterday

Not too long ago. advertising was the best way to get new leads for your business. But hunting for leads today, is very yesterday. 

What is today? 
Being found.

For instance:
—On Facebook, it’s where everyone hangs out. It is one of the best places to be ‘found.’ Build your tribe, keep adding you know, and then keep adding all your current or prospective customers and hostesses. Build and keep building. Sooner or later they will search or need—and you will be EASILY found.
—Comment on blog posts, and then leave your link. You will be found.
—Be members of other social networking sites, like Cafe Mom, Diva Cafe, iVillage, Pop Sugar, Twitter, etc. Put your business link in  your profile and in every post. You will be found.
—If you haven’t already, start a Fan page for your business. Build it and they will come, and come often. You will be found.
—Start your own blog. Here’s where to start:
Write about anything even is only loosely related to your business. Post the link to every blog post on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and other people’s blog, as comments to newspaper stories, to other people’s comments on other people’s articles…you get it.  Put links in your blogs back to your business website as often as possible. You will be found.
—Network business events, soccer meets, flea markets, mini street fairs, county fairs, community garage sales. Go be seen and with the purpose of being ‘found.’

Go ‘be found.’

P.S. Here’s a great link to “24 Essential Social Media Resources” from Mashable.

Rina Valan
