How 99 Cents Can Ruin Your Life

A number of years back, I met my mother-in-law for the first time on her farm in Missouri. My husband had raved about my Italian cooking, my famous spaghetti sauce and insisted I cook for everyone. (Now you us know Italians call sauce ‘gravy.’ but that’s another story)

So, I ran out to the grocery store and bought the best meat, fresh tomatoes and basil, freshly grated parmesean cheese, and even gourmet pasta. I drove back to the farm, pulled out a huge pot and started to cook.

Halfway through, I rummaged the refrigerator for some fresh garlic. Not a clove in sight.  I said to myself “That’s strange, I always have fresh at home. “

So instead, I rummaged through her spice rack for the dry stuff. Nope. Vampires must live here.

Anyhow it was too late and too far, so I continued to cook and tried to make up for with some other spices. Well, guess what? It came out horrible! And what really made me angry was that I had spent so much money and time and effort into making it, and then one lousy cheap 99 cent missing ingredient ruined it all!

The point here? The same scenario can happen in our party plan business. We work really hard and invest time and money in kits, product samples, gifts, and prizes. And then you get a last minute party and guess what? You don’t have any catalogs! So a really great opportunity is blown because you’re missing a key 99 cent ingredient. AHHHH!!!

Don’t waste another minute. Go right now and check on your catalogs and the proverbial spice rack. You know you make the best gravy!
