This morning on the Today Show, she talked about how the complete and utter joy of achieving her goal is resulting in physical manifestations she is unable to control.
Indulge for a moment, and imagine the feeling of winning a Gold Medal.
You are raising your hands high in the air as the last stance of the Star Spangled Banner is being played. Yes, imagine that feeling of total accomplishment from achieving your goal!
You know, you can win a Gold Medal every day. The simple act of making a list everyday, and getting through it for your business is a triumph in of itself.
In your world (aka Olympic contest), there are limitless gold medals to be won.
Make your list, daily.
Act on your list, daily.
Relish in your daily accomplishments, because the real champion is you.
P,S, If you want to read a little more about her, check out the NY Daily News story.