Got Happy?

I made a startling discovery about my home party company recently…do you know the number one reason why people join our sales force? 

It’s because they hate whatever they were doing before. 

Rina Valan, Founder/President, Fantasia Home Parties

This is big.

I just assumed their main reason was to make more money, and have been assuming that for the past 25 years!

Tonight, I am sharing more about this and two other key secrets that can help you or anyone you know who may be contemplating a side business or job.  

It doesn’t matter what genre or particular company…the secret of starting and staying in business I have found to be universal. And it is never about making more money!

I am personally inviting you, your friends, family, your customers, prospects and anyone you know to my free live webinar tonight:

  Dream BIG: How to Succeed in Business and Be Crazy Happy
   Tonight, Wed, January 12, 2011

   RSVP is required, click here for the link  your personal access information will be emailed to you.

When you are crazy happy, others drool ; )

Rina Valan
