Got Happy?

I made a startling discovery a few months ago about my company:
Do you know the number one reason why people join our sales force?
It’s because they hate whatever they were doing before.

This is big.

I just assumed their main reason was to make more money, and I’ve been assuming that for 25 years.

Tomorrow night, I am sharing more about this and two other key secrets that can help anyone you know who may be contemplating a side business or job. It doesn’t matter if they are contemplating going with us or with someone or something else…the secret of starting and staying in business I have found to be universal. And it is never about making more money!

I am personally inviting you, your friends, family, your customers, prospects and anyone you know to my live webinar:
How to Succeed in Business and Be Crazy Happy”
 Tomorrow night, Wed, March 3
7PM Eastern time:
RSVP is required, follow the link and instructions, your personal access information will be emailed to you.

When you are crazy happy, others drool ; )

Rina Valan
