Mystery Prize Balloon Game
Before the party blow up balloons and place a folded up slip of paper inside with a discount or a free item….whatever you’d like as an incentive.
As guests arrive, give them a balloon. As you hand it to them, say, “This is yours for the evening, hang on to it and don’t trade it away. You may be holding a special balloon.” When you open the show, casually remind them to hang on to their balloons, you will get to them later on. You will see them shaking the balloon and see the curiosity in her eyes. Towards the end of the evening tell the guests that if they decide to book a show with you tonight they get to keep the incentive/gift inside, otherwise they must return the balloon to you. Let them know if 3 of them pop their balloon, then the hostess gets to pop hers as well. Wording is key here. There is not a person in that room who is not dying to know what her prize is…. Your hostess will also want to pop hers to see what her mystery prize is, so she will work to get other to pop theirs. Have them bring their balloon to you with their order and pop the balloon with you.
It is very beneficial to have party games when you have a home party. A game is the best way to break the ice and allow everyone to get to know the names of all of the guests and a little bit about each other. Games allow the guests to feel comfortable and even in the party mood. The more relaxed and comfortable your guests are, the more likely you are going to sell your products.
Playing home party games requires space in your home if you are the host. If you have your own business then you want to be sure the host has enough space for the type of game you are planning. If the home is really small then you will be limited and not be able to play interactive games that require the people to all stand and move around. Always have a few different types of games that can be played from the home in case you come across a problem with space.
When you have activities it is important to integrate your products into the games. This is an excellent method for nonchalantly showcasing your items and allowing people to see the great products you have for sale. You should integrate your products because it allows people to get a good look at what you have.
One of the best things you can do when you are making home party plans is to use your products as the prizes when you play games. Prizes are an excellent incentive for playing a game but they also are perfect for creating motivation of all of the guests. Giving your products is the best option because the other guests will have the opportunity to buy the neat prizes too.
Guests should be feeling great and having a good time. This should be the ultimate goal to make all of the guests as comfortable as possible. If everyone is having a great time then they will want to have their own event too. This will be a really simple method of filling up your calendar and making more dates for additional bookings.
It is important to plan based on the space the host has in their home. You can integrate the products being sold into the game by making them prizes for the winners. You want the guests to be as comfortable as possible and ensure they are having a really good time. This will ensure you sell as many of your products as possible and get as many new dates on your calendar as you can.