Fantasia’s Top 10 Best Selling Products

Do you know what our Top 10 best selling products are?
We asked some of our Reps to guess–it was a fascinating conversation thread on our Facebook group, the Forum.

Most guessed the #1 selling product, but failed miserably with the rest!

Everyone guessed lots of toys, and just about everyone thought their favorite product would be on that list.

Fact: Luxuria Total Body Shave Cream is our #1 seller.

Fact: The only toy to make it to the top 10 list is Wild Thing, coming in at #6.

Fact: The majority of company sales is generated from the FIRST HALF of our catalog!


Here’s a thought: now that you know what most people tend to like and buy across the board, wouldn’t you showcase those products?

Because,  if you show products that people are most likely to buy in addition to the ones you are already showing/selling, isn’t it very likely that your average party sales party will go up?

Here’s the list of our Top 10 Best Selling Products.
Study the list carefully. Educate your customers. We have some really really terrific products with natural healing properties and that help women!

The Fantasia Top 10 Best Selling Products

1. Luxuria Total Body Shave Cream
2. Massage Candles (Luxuria and HeWolf)
3. Tingle Me
4. Luxuria Body Cream
5. Orgasmix
6. Wild Thing (only toy to make it to the Top 10 list)
7. Lick Me
8. Nearly Me Lubricant
9. Nipplicious
10. Body Glow

P.S. If you’re not a member of the Forum on Facebook, come on in and send your request! You’re missing out on a lot of information AND fun!

—Rina Valan