Elder Porn for Japan, Boomers to Follow?

On of the fastest growing genres in Japanese porn is “Elder Porn”.  It seems as the eroticism of elders is captivating the younger viewers. Hmm…this certainly takes their respect of elders to an even higher level than one could imagine! Check out the story from Time: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1815509,00.html

Us Baby Boomers have created economic surges and trends through every phase of our lives since the 1950’s…everything from baby food, to fitness crazes, to fad diets, and just fads in general. Look at what us women did for ourselves, via our sex toy parties. Our influence was strategic in sexual revolution that started in the 60’s and is pushing limits to the outer edges today. I wonder if as the ‘soon to be elders’ our younger population will look to us in the same fashion?

Think Peter North ; )
