Someone asks you “So, tell me about yourself?” How do you respond?
“Duh, about me? Oh, um….”
You know, it’s a really good idea to think about your answer to this question in advance. And this question can catch you off guard because you could be waiting in line at the grocery story, sitting in the bleachers at a ball game, or even in the ladies room!
And if you babble, or falter, or give them a canned pitch, they will absolutely tune you out.
You just lost a huge opportunity to get some business prospects outside your circle. That relates to hundreds or thousands of dollars that just slipped through your fingers.
Unlike corporate sales professionals, if you are in the home party plan business, your marketing is not neatly tucked into a 9-5 environment with easily identifiable prospects.
Your prospects are around you ALL the time and in the most unlikely of places,
Important: if you can answer that question in an interesting and attention getting matter, they continue to spend time with you!
1. Think of one thing they may want to hear.
In social situations, maybe something about what you do during the day and about where you live. “I work in a law office during the day, just moved here from the city and I really love it!”
2. Add one thing that you’re really proud of and different from #1.
“I’m really great at making people laugh and helping them have fun. I do home parties.”
Keep it short and don’t over embellish.
3. Lastly, add one personal trait or thing that shows you’re down-to-earth, maybe unique or even a tad quarky. Make sure it’s positive!
This is not the time to stand on a soap box, rant, or say things like “I hate rap music or hate Democrats or Republicans.”
Good example: “I’m nuts about fishing so you’ll always find me in the oddest bait or tackle shop.”
Generally, if you’re at work or with friends socializing, it’s important to be short!
Three sentences is plenty!
So, think out what you will say the next time someone asks you “Tell me about you.”
Rehearse the answers in your head.
Bottom line be interesting and others will take interest in YOU!