Band Aids for Your Heart

Flashback: July 2008

A couple months ago, I was quick to tell the world of a new found love, in love! Oh so love! It was a long time coming, and in my usual fashion with unbridled passion, I wanted to make sure not to waste any life moment in its appreciation. And like the sound of the thud your head makes when you walk into a wall, it came to a screeching halt a few weeks ago.

It appeared it was a one way love, and really, there is nothing more to say about that.
Band aids for the heart, now that would be an incredible invention and why can’t you find them in your local Walgreen? How many of us have and are afflicted, and maybe if there was something you could slap on and patch up the boo-boo, you wouldn’t be so scared to open your heart up again.
But wait—I almost forgot our make shift band aids, the ones the human body and soul inadvertently resorts to in the effort to self heal. Some of them are pretty good ones—working out,vacuuming (especially if you haven’t done it for months), physical labor, reading ‘why you are not alone’ books, not eating (hey, you could always afford to lose 5 lbs!) working harder at the job, rewriting your dating profile, reconnecting with friends, and finally going out on another ‘first date’.

Then there are the not so good band aids that manifest themselves, sometimes just like an uninvited house guest that never leaves! Some of us medicate with food, booze or with recreational drugs, or give up on exercise, or working out. Then there’s poor grooming (I can always shower tomorrow!), sinking deep into depression, too casual sex, obsessive time on the computer or watching TV, compulsive gambling, retreating from friends and the world….it can be dark.

Well, I’ve dipped into both sides of the band aids here, but the good news is that I think I medicated with more of the ‘good’ than the ‘no-so-good’. I did eat a half gallon of Moose Tracks ice cream in 2 days, and ok, I did that twice. But I left out the hot fudge and sprinkles on the second round. Lucky for me, I’m not much of a drinker, so 3 martinis at an overnight stay at Bally’s with my family just made them laugh a little more.

Not so lucky for me, I tend to dwell at the bottom of the well when things hurt, and strange how this teacher can never take in her own advice.

But as the universe always comes through when it knows, a new love came into my life. This guy has a head full of hair, long lanky limbs, dark blue eyes, and boy oh boy does he love to cuddle! Best of all?  This love will never end…my first grandson, the new life love of my heart…I am so in love with you!

Miss Sensuale’


  1. Congrats!

  2. My dearest Miss Sensuale. I love you so.
    I’m not just saying that I have feelings of love for you.

    I am saying that I really do love all that you are and I love all that you are not.
    It is your humanness that causes me such affinity and identification with you. I feel these feelings of admiration for you and somewhere see myself as well. I watch you go through life the way that you do…

    I love you for hanging in there. I love you for not giving up, on yourself or the people around you. I love you for the abundant generosity with which you share and then after someone takes from you, as you have written here, you remain a giver and a source rather than bitter and shut-off. I so admire you for that; the strength to be who you are. This is the love that your grandson will draw strength from and maybe someday some lucky guy will get to share.

    I just love you so.

    PS: Your alergy to bullshit cracks me up!

  3. Ah, my dear Wes, you are gentle, kind, and an old spirit, and I am certain that ours met in a distant time and space.Thank you, for you.

    Lady in Black