Assess Your Guests

Anything you know about your party guests/audience helps you to do better and more profitable party. Before you start. size up see what interests and attributes you have of the crowd before you. For instance:
Moms? Business professionals? Mother/daughters? Old? Young? Straight? Gay? Moderately rich? Teachers? Nurses?   If you know there are gay women at the party, whether you’ve come upon this information directly from them or an inside tip from your hostess, do not make the gals feel uncomfortable by dwelling upon references to heterosexual relationships. You could switch to using terms like “your honey” instead of “your man”. You will work a sorority sisterhood differently than a group dropping in after church.

I love to
ask in the very beginning, “How many ladies have previously attended a SEX TOY  Party? This way, I can get a feel for the sexual knowledge level of the group in regard to our products. Especially, if most of the women have frequented two to ten of my parties, I don’t want to bore them with what they already know. In this case I would mix up my usual demo routine and focus more on new items. With repeat partygoers, I enlist their help with relating information on their favorites. I play on what I know about the gals. I strive to keep it fresh.

Personally, I love having naughty nurses at the show. I like to enlist their comments and expertise, especially when it comes to the male P-spot. If you have a group of teachers, God help you. This giddy group can revert to 6th grade behavior in a heartbeat. On occasion you may find yourself entertaining hearing-impaired individuals. Slow down a little and allow someone to sign for you. This can be fun and educational for everyone. Likewise, for someone who doesn’t speak English. You can have a designated interpreter and encourage the non-native to share slang words for sexual body parts. Always try to make everyone feel very much a part of what is going on.