What’s the Story?

Want a secret weapon that will make you a great sales person without ‘selling?’

Tell your customers a story.

I read someplace that we humans are wired for stories—since we were little kids we’ve been read to and told stories. Essentially, this is how we’ve been conditioned to learn—morals and values are taught through stories.

Stories are essential and powerful, 
as long as they are about 30 seconds long. 

A good story is especially effective with prospective customers, people who may host a party,  hostess coaching, or when speaking with a potential new recruit.
For instance: “Why just an hour ago, I spoke to someone like you who is going through a similar situation. They were about to give up hope–they just got laid off from their day job and ….  “

Stories can open the door, make or reinforce a point in a very memorable way. Use them as a response to a question, a testimonial, or as an aside to reinforce a benefit or feature.

Why do they work?
*Your customer can find themselves in the story! You engage them right away.
*People glaze over names, dates, numbers, etc. Stories will help them remember.
*Customers and prospects enjoy the drama! You present ‘a problem’, followed by a solution, then a creative twist or workaround to an obstacle or problem.

Tip: be honest, be brief, don’t drag on!

Use the three S’s and you’ve got a good story:
*Setting (Last week over in Oshkosh…)
*Situation (There were many people there she had so pull out lawn chairs…)
*Solution (I played a warm up game and everyone instantly connected!)

People want to hear about YOU, YOUR decisions, actions and insights—be the hero of your stories! It makes YOU and what you are selling more real, and it makes all the difference.

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Rina Valan
