5 Things in 5 Minutes You Can Do for Your Business

Got 5 minutes? 
1. Schedule your own home party, date asap. Chances are you haven’t had one, or one in the past few months. Give it a theme, do a fantasy auction, bingo, mystery hostess, closeouts, give them a reason to come have fun and party.

2.  Post a quick blurb on your Facebook page for 2 open party dates for next month. Tell them the first person to respond will get “X” (fill in the “X” with something exciting you have on hand and/or will bring to their party)

3. Update your email signature line, add a creative tag line.
If you don’t have one, create one!

4. Call one person (prospect, former customer/hostess, or a friend) to share your excitement about a product or event.

5. Send a thank you note to a previous customer or party hostess, and end with an action/question so it begs a response. For instance: “How are you liking your _____?”

PS. “Sacrifice” a measly 5 minutes from Treasure Isle, Farmville, Yahoo chat, watching TV, or reading spam. You always have 5 minutes to invest in YOU!!!
