In life, a picture is worth a thousand words.
Emails? The right words can be worth thousands of dollars!
4 Quick Tips
—Put a PS on it. People scan right to the end, so the PS can act like a headline. Make it a call to action remark (i.e. “Book right now and I’ll give you double hostess credit!”)
—Don’t waste your time tooting your own horn. Remember to answer their question: What’s in it for me? Instead, write what you can do for them.
—Make your sub-headlines or bulleted points a contrasting color to the body copy. Your message will jump of the page.
—Set up an automatic ‘signature’ in your email program (Hit the ‘Preferences’ tab and look for ‘Signature’). Make sure you include your name, contact information (phone), website and call to action statement. I’m not a big fan of canned quotes—this is your chance to give a quick and effective commercial. Be brief, be different, go for it!
Start right now with your very next email!
P.S. Want some ideas now for some attention getting copy in those emails you send to your prospects, hostesses and customers? Read a previous post: “How to Get Their Attention Without Smacking Them in The Head!