3 Things you Can Do for Your Email in 3 Minutes

   1. Your ‘from’ email address should have a name, your name. 
Make sure it’s not blank, or just initials, or other unusual name/nickname.  People may not open an email from an email address that is incomplete, unfamiliar, or suspicious. Don’t assume people remember your email address!

3 Minute Tweaks

   2. Include a signature at the bottom of every email that includes your name, and your full contact information. Include your company/organization and website. (You can easily set this up in your email program, usually under ‘settings’ so you don’t have to keep typing the same information over and over again)

   3. When you reply to a note, make sure the note you’re replying to is included below what you write (this is called quoting, a setting you can choose in your preferences)

Tip: It takes less than 3 minutes to do all of this, and once you do it, it doesn’t have to be done again.  Look under the ‘settings’ or ‘preferences’ tab in your email program until you find the options for each.

Challenge! Send yourself an email and read it on a friend’s computer.
–Are the fonts too big or too small?
–Does it look like a standard email? If it doesn’t look like a standard, does it help you or hurt you, especially with new prospects or home party hostesses?

Rina Valan
