15 ways to find new customers

2 Ways to Find Customers

1. Post flyers in apartments.
2. Leave catalogs at auto repair shops.
5. Wear an ID badge.
6. Wear buttons; they’re conversation starters.
7. Host a fund raiser.
8. Let your bank now what the deposit is for. Give the teller a catalog.
9. Barter-Trade your product/service such as one Pampered Chef party for one Fantasia Home Party
10. Hang a flyer inside a bathroom stall door in the women’s room. Captive audience.
11. Bring a catalog to a beauty salon.
12. Use bumper stickers.
13. Let everyone you ever worked with know what you do.
15. Hand out your business card with all transactions each day. Always ask for a business card in return
16. Free lunch drawings. Put your card in fish bowls.
17. Get a restaurant to sponsor your drawing.
18. Magnetize your business card.
21. Look for bulletin boards and leave a flyer.
22. Hang a sign on your car window about your business.
25. Put up catalogs in all waiting rooms.
26. Join a club or network group.
30. Look on the internet for new bulletin boards to post your product.
32. Always keep flyers with you to hand out.
36. Wear a name tag to the grocery store.
38. Home Owner Association. Put an ad in their paper.
39. College newspapers and bulletin boards.
41. Always wear a logo to the health club.