Posts Tagged "home party consultant"

10 Never Fail Body Language Tips

You’re ready to start your home party presentation. Tada! Wait!  Is your Body sending them right message? What is Body Language? It’s you as the whole package: -how you stand -whether or not you make eye contact with your audience -the gestures you  make -and  how you dress. Body Language includes perceptions that come through whether consciously or subconsciously. (like being overly-confident/coming off as a lion or fearful/meek pussycat.) So, what can you do to make sure your audience pays attention to you while communicating the right message? 10 Never Fail Body Language...

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Turn the Brew to Woohoo!

  When:    The day after an adult toy party. The Place:    In your hostess’s mind The Issue:  She’s wondering: -What the heck her party sales came out to be? – What credits did she actually get? – Did anyone really book a show? …and all the while wishing she could had paid attention to you instead of being the ultimate hostess and taking care of her friends and guests. The Dilemma: She wonders, worries. And when her party orders do come in she is never really sure if she was treated properly or given what she actually earned…and she brews. And...

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Brain Freeze

I got Brain Freeze walking down the ice cream aisle in the grocery store yesterday. Why? Because nearly a hundred varieties of ice cream called out to me!  I literally froze in my tracks (pun intended!) So what’s the problem? I was incredibly overwhelmed. DOZENS and dozens of varieties and flavors to choose from! And then I got a call on my cell and walked away to continue my conversation. Did I go back and buy ice cream? No. The same thing can happen with your customers at your home parties. They get easily overwhelmed. You ask for a booking and you hear crickets. You assume...

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