While your competitors are busy chomping on turkey and shopping on Black Friday, you could be ahead of the game with about 30 minutes of time and never even leave your computer.
Probably the last thing you want to do today is business related, right?
You’d laugh if you saw me here at the moment, half dressed in my robe, typing, fresh from a shower and slugging down a quart of coffee in anticipation of a hoard of family and friends coming over for the big feast. And you? I bet you’re either trying to defrost the turkey, clean for company, baking or buying something to bring to the in-laws, or packing for the road trip back home.
So know what can make the other guys on the block eat your dust?
Simple: a very brief thank you email to your home party customers, hostesses, prospects, and your down line.
You would be surprised how far that goes.
Good will goes a long way, plus opens and continues to keep open the relationship door. And guess what? If you don’t get around to it today, or tomorrow, your little 30 minute investment works as long as you do it by Sunday this week.
Key points:
—Don’t do a mass email. Compose a friendly standard message, copy and paste, then tweak for each person.
—Make it brief. Type about how you appreciate that they chose you over someone else.
—End it with a question that creates a response: “How are your kids doing?” or “Did you have fun with the items you ordered?” or “Did you know that…..”
When you get a reply back, wait until this holiday is over before sending another email.
—Start with emailing 10 people. When you have 10 minutes, do another set of 10.
You might get a response back.
And your competitors??? They will just get fat thighs ; )
P.S. I love the home party business, and thank you for reading this and sharing my passion!