Brain Freeze

I got Brain Freeze walking down the ice cream aisle in the grocery store yesterday. Why?
Because nearly a hundred varieties of ice cream called out to me! 
I literally froze in my tracks (pun intended!)

So what’s the problem?

I was incredibly overwhelmed. DOZENS and dozens of varieties and flavors to choose from!

And then I got a call on my cell and walked away to continue my conversation.

Did I go back and buy ice cream?

The same thing can happen with your customers at your home parties. They get easily overwhelmed. You ask for a booking and you hear crickets.
You assume they’re not interested.
The reality?  So much is going on in their heads and so many decisions/choices to make.  
Help them by focusing on a date instead of focusing on whether or not to have a party!

TIP: when you’re out giving a party, avoid the general announcement:  “If any of you would like to have party, see me later.”

What to do instead?

-Take a wall calendar,  mark off the days you are already booked  or not available with a big  “X.”
-You don’t have to put the particulars  on any of the dates, just  mark them off with an “X.”
-At the end of your  presentation, give your brief pitch about booking  a party. Then just  pass the calendar over to one person and say:
“OK  everybody, here are the  dates I have available. Next month, I have July 14, 21 and Aug 8 open. Pencil in your name and  number with your  choice.”

The same applies for postings on your Facebook, Twitter and other social sites. Whenever possible, post 2 or 3 dates out you want to book and then post “I have only have July 20 or 29th open, get your preferred date first, book with me now!”

Works like a charm!

Rina Valan
